Asmara May 24th 2001
The first full day in Asmara it was so hot that
I start to look a bit like an Indian. So I should take my sun milk with me today. Today
is not only the 10th anniversary of Eritrea, but also the first anniversary of
Jonas, my little nephew. He was born last year in the time of the Ethiopian invasion, when
his father was fighting at the front. Froyni stayed behind with four children and the new born baby.
In the afternoon we go to the stadium,
where the main show will take place. We only have one invitation for the two of
us, so I hope my friendly face and my t-shirt will do the rest. The first three checkpoints
are no problem. We wait in the queue for more than an hour.
20.000 people are checked and pass through only four 90cm doors. The last guard is clearly the most
strict, but I can persuade him to let me in. It was worth every minute of waiting. The
pictures will say enough.

Celebration of 10 years independence in Asmara Stadium.

Military parade - earlier Yikaalo
troops - Asmara Stadium.

Parade of the various military
units, representing the Defense forces,
namely the Eritrean Air Force, Eritrean Navy and Eritrean Army and
the Asmara Police, earlier Yikaalo troops and recent Warsai soldiers.

President Isaias Afwerki congratulating children who were born on
24th 1991 and who are now celebrating their tenth anniversary.
President Isaias Afwerki
breaks hembesha, Eritrean bread, on
the back of a boy, to wish him all the best on his tenth anniversary.

Hellen Meles, one of the most
popular Eritrean singers performing
at the celebration of 10 years liberated Eritrea in Asmara Stadium.

Kunama dancers (representatives of one of the nine ethnic groups in Eritrea).

Saho dancers (representatives of one of the nine ethnic groups in Eritrea).

Rashaida dancers (representatives of one of the nine ethnic groups in Eritrea).

Thousands of schoolgirls
giving a dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Thousands of schoolgirls giving a
dance performance - Asmara Stadium.

Drama at the celebration of 10 years liberation in Asmara Stadium.
(authors guess: Ransack of Barentu by Ethiopian soldiers).

Drama at the celebration of 10 years liberation in Asmara Stadium.
(authors guess: The (Red) sea is ours).

Celebration of 10 years independence in Asmara Stadium.

Celebration of 10 years independence in Asmara Stadium.

Celebration of 10 years independence in Asmara Stadium.

Celebration of 10 years independence in Asmara Stadium.

Celebration of 10 years independence in Asmara Stadium.

Celebration of 10 years independence in Asmara Stadium.

Finale of the celebrations in Asmara Stadium.

Finale of the celebrations in Asmara Stadium.

Finale: singing the national anthem
- Asmara Stadium.