Festival Eritrea - August 6th 2006
The last day of Festival Eritrea 2006 I
will celebrate my birthday with Terhas, her two children and Tsega, a
niece of Feshaye, who
takes care of the children. By now I know where to find the attractions. I
can guide the group around the compound, to show them the zonal displays,
to enjoy the performances of the cultural troupes, the exhibitions in the
Expo halls, to make the ride with the historic train, and to enjoy the
food sold in the various stalls and restaurants.
And as a special gift, the rain is delayed
until 17:00 so we have all day to enjoy the activities, and to show Terhas two small
children, Elilta and Hiab, Eritrea's cultures and traditions, and tell them about everything
that is displayed in
the Expo area. The festival presents the children - who's world is usually
limited to
the streets of Asmara and one or two TV channels - a good general picture of Eritrea
in a very impressive way.
One last time I watch the elaborate rites,
rituals, arts, crafts and dances of the various cultures of Eritrea's nine
nationalities. The performances and exhibits that showcase the unique
contribution each ethnic group, school, organization or enterprise makes to the whole, in perfect harmony, with one
heart. The festival plays a significant role in fostering the unity of the Eritrean people as well as
revealing Eritrea's rich cultural heritage.
In the Expo hall prizes are awarded to individuals and
regions that won in different shows, traditional living patterns, and
cultural dances contests. With three prizes in five or more categories,
there is many winners, all receiving a certificate from Mr. Al-Amin
Mohammed Seid, secretary of the PFDJ *), Eritrea's ruling party, and
responsible for the organization of this successful festival, visited by
more than 600,000 people.
With the help of Terhas I buy some nice music CD's,
video containing Eritrean movies, and story books in Tigrinya, to bring back home next Thursday.
When we leave the festival compound and are close to Terhas car, it starts
to rain cats and dogs. I guess it is sheer luck that the climate treated
us so mild today. Terhas brings me to the center of Asmara. She will open
the Pizzeria and I will be her first guest, and enjoy a pizza number ten.
In the nearby Bar Selas I conclude this day
with some Asmara beers, and a chat with the owner of the bar,
Tesfai, Freweini his daughter, and the other visitors, until it is
dark and time to return to the villa of Gebrehiwot and his family.

Terhas riding the camel -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Expo exhibition hall -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Interior of the hidmo -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Kunama cultural group -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Afar woman - Festival
Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Tigre cultural group -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Barbecue - Festival Eritrea 2006
- Asmara Eritrea.

Main stage - Festival
Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Tigre cultural group -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Saho cultural group -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Tigre cultural group -
Festival Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.

Tigre woman - Festival
Eritrea 2006 - Asmara Eritrea.
*) People's Front for
Democracy and Justice, the ruling party in Eritrea.