Asmara Eritrea - September 23rd 2005
The first day in Eritrea isn't
very spectacular. I have to make some kind of an agenda for the coming
weeks. Therefore I will visit all thinkable offices, families and friends,
and deliver packages, letters and pictures.
There will be a wedding in
Haile and Freweini's house. Haile's first born daughter will marry ten
days from now. I HAVE to come to this event, to witness every detail of a
traditional Eritrean wedding. Actually, the wedding is the main reason for
this unexpected two weeks trip to Eritrea.
The renovation of the Keren
Hotel is almost finished. It will open a week from now, when the last
work on the water supply is finished. The manager gives me a tour through
this very luxurious (and expensive!) hotel, now renamed to Albergo Italia,
brought back to its grandeur of the Italian colonial time.
Saba of Explore Eritrea
welcomes me in her office with a cup of tea. Unfortunately there are no itineraries I
can join for the coming weeks. But I will leave my phone number, just in
case there is any groups coming to Eritrea, willing to share their program.
Tedros of Travel House
International is involved in the organization of the program of World
Tourism Day 2005. The program will be on different dates in Massawa, Keren
and Barentu. Part of the program coincides with the wedding. The opening
ceremony will be in Asmara on September 29th. A gala diner with music and
dance in the . There will be an invitation for me at the
On September 27th is the
celebration of Meskel on Bahti Meskerem. If I want to witness it in one of
the other villages, Dekemhare is a good alternative, with its mostly
Christian population. With Tedros I observe the posters announcing feasts
and other events in nightclubs in Asmara.
At the Ministry of Tourism
office I get my Travel Permit, for all thinkable destinations to match
them with my - still mostly blank - agenda. And to greet the minister and
several of her employees, and to get more input for my agenda.

Lunch with an Eritrean
family - Asmara Eritrea.

Beautiful decorated interior
of the Albergo Italia - Asmara Eritrea.

Explore Eritrea Travel
Agency - Asmara Eritrea.

One of the ladies of Travel House International - Asmara Eritrea

Cinema Roma -
Asmara Eritrea.

Hellens International Import
& Export - Asmara Eritrea.

Eagle International Import
& Export - Asmara Eritrea.

Commercial bank of Eritrea -
Asmara Eritrea.

Shops and apartments -
Asmara Eritrea.

Best wishes - Meskel 2005 (Simret