Asmara Eritrea - September 30th 2005
There is no program for today
(only for the evening), so I decide I will make a long walk through
Asmara, passing Tiravolo (visiting friends), Gejeret, The Ministry of
Information and Mai Temenai.
The climb uphill to the
Ministry of Information (the promise was a nice view over Asmara) is a bit
disappointing. The climb is very steep, it is forbidden to make photo's,
and there is nothing worth to make a picture.
Mai Temenai also is not
interesting for a tourist point of view, but I have some friends over
there, living in one of the recently built houses. I guess it is a good
excuse to wander through this area, for the sake of having been here.
In the house of Freweini &
Haile many relatives are gathered to help with the preparations for the
wedding, tomorrow and Sunday. Women preparing food and plaiting each
others hair, the men working on the tent I have some cups of tea .
In the Afrika Garage I meet
Sammy to drink some tea. He gives me an update on the new tourist
facilities in Asmara. "You want me to bring you there? No
On the market I buy some
oranges. I haven't got enough change to pay the 52.5 Nakfa. "You will
pay me 2.5 Nakfa another day", the lady says, while could have
changed one orange for a smaller one, to round the price to 50 Nakfa. I
will do my best not to forget her stall.
In the evening I am invited
for a buffet dinner with Mr. Solomon, chairman of the Eritrean Tourism
Service-providers Association (ETSA) and manager of the Embasoira Hotel.
The buffet dinner (with life music) is an every Friday evening event,
starting at 8 o' clock in the evening.

Expo Hotel (Tiravolo) Asmara.

Bologna Hotel (Tiravolo) Asmara.

Bar - Gejeret Asmara.

Nakfa House - Asmara Eritrea.

IRGA Building - Asmara Eritrea.

Residential buildings - Mai
Temenai Asmara Eritrea.

Palazzo Falletta (apartments & offices) -
Harnet Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Catholic Cathedral - Harnet
Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Plaiting the hair before the
wedding - Asmara Eritrea.

Restaurant Marosso - Asmara Eritrea.