Asmara Eritrea - November 16th 2006
This is my third visit to Eritrea in 2006.
Eritreans think I am rich, Ethiopians fans of these web pages
think I am an Eritrean government groupie paid by the Eritrean authorities.
But reality is so very simple: my mother, too old to travel herself, and
proud of what I am doing, gave me a free Lufthansa ticket to Asmara. In
Holland the gifts are usually exchanged on December 5, and to fit the trip
into my employers time schedule, the time span on the calendar on the left
is the only logical choice to spend my remaining 2006 holidays.
So I will make it a trip easy to get and
hard to forget, by instead of refusing this generous gift, planning a trip
that will also benefit the five blind children
of Mr. Mohamed Nur Abubeker in Afabet and an organization called
"Foundation Seniors in Eritrea", supporting an old people's home
in Mai Habar. And there is some budget for my wife's families and the poor
in general in Eritrea.
The first day, as usual, is for the red
tape, agenda and family. Since a tourist is not supposed to visit Afabet,
I need a letter of recommendation from the PFDJ *) office as an addendum
to my travel permit of the Ministry of Tourism. The fax from the Eritrean
embassy in The Hague did not reach the proper desk, so an extra visit to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is needed.
I explain my situation, and show the
documents (in Tigrinya) about the fund raising campaigns to the secretary
of the Ministry of Foreign Afairs. When I show her the pictures of my last
two visits, the recommendations are virtually done after some phone
calls, but since the paperwork will involve two ministries and the PFDJ
(check, check, double check), and none of them will work in the weekend it
will not be until next Monday that I will receive my travel permit
including a permit for Afabet.
At the PFDJ office, the secretary informs
me about the Nigdet feast. Each Orthodox Church has a particular day
during the year when a Saint's day is celebrated. For the Nda Mariam
Orthodox Cathedral this is November 30, for the Saint Georgis Orthodox
Church, not far from the PFDJ office, it is today, November 16.
Actually I am a bit too late to witness the
celebrations that took place this morning, but the priests invite me into
their church. I take off my shoes and follow the priest, who shows me his
church, gesticulating, with a few words in English to explain about the
beautiful paintings on the walls and the ceiling of the building.
When I walk from Gejeret to the center of
Asmara, I almost pass the house of Almaz mother by coincidence. She fell
and broke her leg very bad early this year. she is very old and Almaz gave
me a letter with a financial contribution. There is family to take care of
her, but life is hard if you are handicapped like this. So she is very
happy that I visit her a third time this year. "You are like Almaz
brother", she compliments me. In Tigrinya of course, and her family
translates. We drink tea and I am invited to eat injera, oranges, dates
and grissini.
In the Cathedral Snack Bar I enjoy a mixed
fruit juice and a cold milk to complete my diet for today. I hand the
girls some copies of the sneaky pictures I made in May this year. They are
happy and instead of hiding for my camera, they pose as if they were my

San Francesco Catholic Church
Mereb Street / Rahayta Street - Gejeret Asmara Eritrea.

San Francesco Catholic Church
(interior) - Asmara Eritrea.

Residential buildings surrounded by
bougainvillaea - Gejeret Asmara Eritrea.

Golden Star Brewery - Gejeret
Asmara Eritrea.

Residential buildings - Villa Quarter
Asmara Eritrea.

Cinema Asmara (interior) - Harnet
Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Saint Georgis Orthodox
Church - Gejeret Asmara Eritrea.

Saint Georgis Orthodox
Church - Gejeret Asmara Eritrea.

Saint Georgis Orthodox
Church - Gejeret Asmara Eritrea.

Thebe - Cathedral snack bar
- Asmara Eritrea.
*) People's Front for
Democracy and Justice, the ruling party in Eritrea.