Keren Eritrea May 26 2011
Every once a while we receive
a request to make some pictures, if we are in Eritrea. One of the
questions asked in 2011 was if we know someone who is willing to make some
pictures of some graves of the Commonwealth
War Cemetery in Keren.
No problem. Today's morning
walk is to the road to Agordat. I am happy that the gate is open, so I don't
have to climb my way in. I report to the workers in the cemetery, and
explain my situation. No problem at all.
With respect for the souls of
the military men, I do my best to make a nice set of pictures, and of two
graves in particular.
The cemetery is well
maintained on a UK budget, and Eritrean respect for the dead men. Most of
the white marble stones look as if they are polished at least once a week.
The graveyard is divided in
several sections: a British / Christian and a Muslim section, and a Sikh
and Hindu mausoleum for the ashes of the Indian soldiers. The sections are
centered around the cross of sacrifice. Purple bougainvillea surround the
After my visit to the
I walk through the recently built area called Nda Bila and the Geza Banda district
just behind it. In one of the shops I have a cold coke, as bars are rare
in the area.
In front of the Keren hotel, I
take some rest. Just when I am asking myself if I shall order a fruit
juice or a mineral water, I am reminded that I am to late again. "Kelete
shahi!" (two tea!). The man next to me buys me a tea. I should have been
faster to invite the Eritrean instead.
In the afternoon it starts to
rain. A blessing for Eritrea, but a big risk for my camera. I take shelter
in a random restaurant.
After the rains I return to
the house of Afworki and Hansu.

Wedeb Hotel - Road to
Agordat Keren Eritrea.

Commonwealth War Cemetary - Keren Eritrea.

Commonwealth War Cemetary - Keren Eritrea.

Cross of sacrifice KCWC -
Keren Eritrea.

Commonwealth War Cemetary - Keren Eritrea.

3651648 Corporal J. Brennan
Worchester Regt.- KCWC Keren Eritrea.

Sikh and Hindu cremation
memorial - Keren Eritrea.

Commonwealth War Cemetary - Keren Eritrea.

Muslim plot KCWC - Keren

Christian plot KCWC - Keren

Jewish grave KCWC - Keren

Sikh and Hindu cremation
memorial - Keren Eritrea.

New built residentional area
- Nda Bila Keren Eritrea.

Small grocery shop - Geza
Banda Keren Eritrea.

View on Geza Banda - Keren

Hairdressers signboard -
Keren Eritrea.

Tukuls (Agudos) Geza Banda
Keren Eritrea.

Yemane Habtesion Grocery
Shop - Geza Banda Keren Eritrea.

Yemane Habtesion Grocery
Shop - Geza Banda Keren Eritrea.

View on Geza Banda - Keren