Asmara Eritrea - February 17 2017
Tomorrow my two weeks rest
days in Eritrea will end. So I have two days to say goodbye to the
families of my wife, friends, and those who are dear to me. First to visit
is the family in Sembel. After my visit I resume my walk in a yet unknown direction. Instead of
following the main road to the center of Asmara, I choose to enter the outskirts of Sembel, entering a
completely new housing project, with the name Bondi. Many new huge villa's
and many more under construction. Wide roads without asphalt, but the plan is
The housing project is one of the three projects in Sembel, Space and Halibet areas that have been undertaken by
Italian Companies in collaboration with local construction companies and
prefab industries, under the umbrella of The Housing and Commercial Bank of Eritrea. The three projects comprises a total of 1,754 housing complexes including 930 apartments and 824 villas as well as 192 business complexes. The housing projects includes road infrastructure, construction of sewage system and water pipelines, electricity as well as telephone and internet installations..
After a while I wonder what
would be the direction to the center of Asmara. When a motorcycle passes,
I make some gestures indicating I need some help to find my way. The man
offers to give me a ride on the back of his motorcyle. So kind, but I do
not have the guts to sit on the back of a motorcycle without a helmet, so
I kindly reject the offer saying I HAVE
to walk. For my health, and to experience modern Asmara. So the directions
is enough, although the center of Asmara is far from here.
After some time I am
accompanied by another man, for a nice chat, and a curious "Where are you
going?" After a while the man chooses the public bus to the center, I resume my
walk, passing the back of the Lion hotel, the tank graveyard, the Martyr's
cemetery, and the Italian cemetery, the Saint Michael church and finally
the Asmara Grande Travel Agency to say goodbye to Mr. Tekeste, the
manager. Mr. Tekeste used to be the manager of the Eritrean National
Chamber of Commerce, and he has a wide network in Eritrean business and
Mr. Tekeste offers me a lunch
in one of his favorite restaurants: The Tsehaie Restaurant, opposite to
the FIAT fuel station on the other side of the roundabout. From the looks
on the facade one would not expect a cozy and upper range restaurant. We choose
the lasagna and a beer, and another beer. And as Mr. Tekeste have to drive
his car, I HAVE to help him finish his beers. Mr. Tekeste gives me a ride
to the center.
With a happy stomach I
continue my family visits in the Center of Asmara, and in Edaga Arbi. We
make some last pictures to show back home. And I make a short walk through
Edaga Arbi.
Many of the houses prove that
the people living here are poor, but where in other countries you would be
an easy target for a robbery, I feel perfectly safe. But as the the Bradt
Travel Guide states: "Common sense and respect go a long way and with
a bit of both you will not encounter problems."
People usually want to be
pictured when dressed at their best, and not in their working clothes, and
you wil respect their privacy. I do not always understand the Tigrinya
language, but when I point my camera on a specific object, or person, I
respect the "NO!", Every once and a while you will meet the
invitation "salena!", the Tigrinya expression for "picture
me!". And with memory cards for thousands of pictures, I usually
accept the invitation.
One of these invitations of
last year's visit came from a group of boys in front of a bar in Aayget
Street in Edaga Arbi. I printed five copies to give them to the boys. If I
can trace them of course. Walking through Aayget Street I carefully
compare the facade on the picture with the facades I pass on my way to my
Edaga Arbi family. Children assist me when I am near. In the bar I show
the pictures. "This is me!" is the enthusiast response of one of
the boys in the bar, happy I found him. I hand him all the pictures of the
group. He will share them with his friends.
I end the day with the
goodbyes to friends close
to my residence in Nda Corea, so I can take care of my luggage and last
minute shopping tomorrow (the Asmara souk is a lot cheaper than the shops
on Asmara International Airport).

Streets of Sembel - Asmara Eritrea.

Streets of Sembel - Asmara Eritrea.

to Bondi - Sembel Asmara Eritrea.

Villa - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

Villa - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

Villa - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

Villa - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

Villa's & road under
construction - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

& construction site - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

Appartments under construction - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

Appartments - Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

- Bondi Asmara Eritrea.

Tsehaye Restaurant - Gegeret Asmara Eritrea.

Hamasien Restaurant - Seraye Street Asmara Eritrea.

The Sun Pizza & Fast Food - Seraye Street Asmara Eritrea.

Commercial Bank of Eritrea - Medeber Asmara Eritrea.

Terhas and her
baby - Edaga Arbi Asmara Eritrea.

Modest houses - Edaga Arbi Asmara Eritrea.

Mebrat Electronic - Hadish Adi Street Edaga Arbi Asmara Eritrea.

Harmony Bar & Restaurant juices
menu poster
Eritrea Square / PTZM bus terminal Asmara Eritrea.

"Salena!" PTZM bus terminal - Eritrea Square Asmara Eritrea.

Nda Corea Housing Complex - Nda Corea Asmara Eritrea.

Nda Corea Housing Complex - Nda Corea Asmara Eritrea.