Asmara Eritrea - October 22nd 2003
Medeber is an every year destination for me.
Don't know why. Maybe it is the coziness of those hundreds of people working
hard, but having fun as well. No professional day care for the children. The
women carry the small ones on their back while they are at work. The larger ones
play in the compound and are watched by the community.
The tourist is something special for the
children. Here too they want me to make pictures. They want me to give them a
copy. I cannot. It is a digital camera, so there will be no hard copies. Most of
the worker do not appreciate it if you make pictures, but there are enough of
them who do not care (if you ask!).
At the entrance of the compound a lady sells
Coke and Fanta. I take one of the crates as a seat and watch the carts coming
in, loaded with cereals or big bags with chili. The girl at the stall opposite
to me invites me to picture her.
When I pass one of the workshops, I am
invited in be the owner. He used to live in the United States and tells me about
the business. It is hard, both for himself and for the girls. He pays them 20
Nakfa a day (one dollar). The chilies come from Turkey since they cannot be
imported from Ethiopia, and are therefore more expensive. Sales are small.
I ask one of the girls if she can get Coke
for all of us. After some minutes she comes back with the Coke. Small problem:
no opener. The owner uses his teeth to open them. The girls take a short brake.
When they are not watching I picture them and show the result on the LCD. Soon
they roll over me after every session of pictures and pose for the camera as if
we were one big family. Have to remember to bring them a copy next year.

Entrance of Medeber markets - Asmara Eritrea.

Woman selling grain and spices - Medeber market Asmara.

Bringing in the merchandise - Medeber market Asmara.

Refining and selection of the spices - Medeber market Asmara.

Girls at work - Medeber market Asmara.

Girls posing in one of the workshops - Medeber market Asmara.

Girl posing in one of the workshops - Medeber market Asmara.

Girl posing in one of the workshops - Medeber market Asmara.

Boy welding - Medeber market Asmara.

Local children - Medeber market Asmara.

Woman working in a juice bar - Asmara Eritrea.