Asmara Eritrea - May 12th 2003
In snack bar Cathedral I have breakfast. Even
before the breakfast is served a young man shares my table and tells me he is
poor and is in big problems. It is almost impossible to ignore him, so I reverse
the conversation. "Why don't you try to find a job?". He tells
me it is difficult to find a job, and asks if I need a guide. "If I need a
guide, why should I hire a man as impudent as you?" I try to discourage
him. He asks me if I will pay for his tea, that is already ordered. I do not
want more arguments for just one Nakfa, so I promise him to pay his tea if he
will drink it at another table. He understands. No chance with this tourist.
I have an appointment with an Italian man who
was a close friend of the man that was buried in a grave unknown to his family
in the US. He tells me where his friend is buried. But I will not be able to
find the exact spot, because there is no monument or crucifix on the grave.
Maybe the municipality knows, but it will take some research.
I understand I need an invitation for the
ceremonies on May 24th, so I take the bus to the main office of Peoples Front
for Democracy and Justice. It appears that the invitations are not printed
yet, so I will have to come back a few days before the ceremonies. It will be no
problem to get an invitation, but something like a press card, needed to be
closer to the show will require a more thorough investigation. I will come back
for just an ordinary invitation. The paperwork necessary for the press card may
disturb the plans to go to Assab.
When I am back in the center another man
intrudes himself as a guide. But this time it is a quite polite man with good
knowledge of English. He guides me to various addresses with great efficiency
and advises shortcuts to travel from one part of Asmara to other parts, thus
saving me both time and money for unnecessary taxi's. He tells me he used to
work on ships, but is temporary unemployed. He too needs some money. Although I
am free to say no, I think he did a great job guiding me through the town and
reward his services with 50 Nakfa.
At the bus station and with the help of my
guide I buy the ticket for the trip to Assab on May 14th, the first opportunity.
They give me number of the license plate of the bus and the instruction to be at
the bus station at 4:00. The advanced booking will result in seat #2,
which is the seat next to the driver

Cathedral - Harnet Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Brand-new Hyundai bus - Harnet Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Dutch Embassy - Asmara Eritrea.

Painting of the landscape near Massawa - Sunshine Hotel Asmara.

Selam Hotel - Asmara Eritrea.

Reception of the Selam Hotel.

Asmara swimming pool.

Sign-board of the Eritrean railways office Asmara.

The outskirts of Asmara - the "shortcut" to Edaga Arbi.

The outskirts of Asmara - the "shortcut" to Edaga Arbi.