Amsterdam - Rome - Asmara - May 8th 2003
At the airport the display says 42.5 kilo's,
just over the limit, but within the 10% tolerance. Most of the luggage is gifts.
Lots of small gifts for the children, clothes for the family, medicine, gifts
from friends in Holland for their relatives in Eritrea. I will meat a lot of
people and I am already wondering what problems I will engage in trying to
locate them.
The hall is crowded with Eritrean people.
Musicians who will participate in the celebrations, those who will visit their
family and celebrate and one who is going to Eritrea for a funeral. The Eritrean
Airlines Boeing 767 is surrounded by spotters, who have heard about the new
When I enter the plane, I feel as if my
holydays have already started. Flight attendants with a smile, dresses in leopard
shirts direct us to our seats. It is funny to hear the explanation of the
security procedures in Tigrinya.
After take off I join one of the other Dutch
passengers, Suzan Vis. She returns from a short break and will continue here one
year mission for War Child in the Adi Keih sub zone. War child tries to oust the memories
of war traumatized children with projects like creative art and sports. She
tells me she loves Eritrea, because is so authentic, emotions of the people are
so pure.
After the stopover in Rome, I ask the flight
attendant if it is ok to visit the cockpit. I explain the reason of the request.
"I want them to be in my travel story. The Eritreans will be proud of their
new airline." After a few minutes she returns. It is ok. I meet the
pilots, captain Asrat Gilamichael and flight officer David. They
tell me they used to fly for Ethiopian Airlines, and spent some years as pilots
in the USA after they had been expelled from Ethiopia.
The flight attendants have been recruited
from the Asmara Intercontinental Hotel. They do their very best to please the
passengers, so there is only little time to talk to each of them, but they give
me the feeling I am flying with friends.
At Asmara International Airport we land in
the rain. One of the Eritrean passengers offers to walk the 200 meters to
the airport buildings sharing his umbrella. Actually it is the first time I left
my jacket at home. Never needed it. "You should leave it at home more
often" Terhas addresses to me. "It brings luck".
It's only two kilometers to Terhas and
Feshaye's apartment in the Sembel Residentional Complex. The combination of rain
and high temperatures and the fact that I have to unpack is make me feel quite
uncomfortable. I explain my situation, take a quick shower, and go for a long
walk between the many housing blocks, each identified by their own specific

Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767-300ER
"The Queen Bee".

Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767-300ER
"The Queen Bee".

Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767 E3-AA0
"The Queen Bee".

Procedures in Tigrinya in case of loss of cabin

Take off of the Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767.
Photo courtesy Konstantin von Wedelstaedt

Flight attendants of the Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767.

Flight attendant of the Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767.

Flight attendant of the Eritrean Airlines Boeing

Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767 cockpit - Captain Asraf

Eritrean Airlines Boeing 767 cockpit - Flight Officer

Eritrean Airlines flight attendant comforting an impatient