Keren Eritrea - May 28th 2007
Again I had a wonderful night
in perfect climatic conditions. The animals wake me up at 6:00, I get out
at 7:00 when I hear Hansu and Afeworki being busy in and around the house.
Like every morning Hansu makes fresh coffee with some breads and scrambled
eggs with some tomato and onion, before she will go to her work
On Monday there is a livestock market three
kilometers SE of Keren. I follow the empty riverbed of the Cuif Cuifit
river to pass the many camels and donkeys carrying their loads of fire wood
and roofing materials. If you ever want to ride a camel for a fair price,
this is the place to be (when they are unloaded).
On my way to the animal
market, I meet Habte Woldu, Afeworki's brother. He accompanies me to the
market, that is next to the road to Afabet. I make a few circles around
the two compounds and then join the men drinking tea in a half open tea
house on the slope of a hill.
Suddenly a mad bull attacks
the tea house. I run for my life and hide behind the concrete pillars of
the tea house, until the beast is redirected to the market with wooden
sticks. I enjoy the scenic views over the countryside with its terraced
slopes and scattered traditional houses, and the men doing their business
in there typical Muslim outfit. I watch the lively market for an hour,
before returning to the center of Keren.
In Kidane Asgedom Bar and
Fast-food Restaurant I order Silsi Keyh, a mixture of egg, onion, tomato
and berbere, with two breads. It tastes good, but just a bit too much chili
for a foreigner. I need some mineral water to wash away the hot spices. It
is not available, but a friendly waiter searches the neighborhood until he
finds what I want, and returns after a few minutes with a 1,5 liter bottle
from a neighboring shop.
I spend the rest of the day
walking through the outskirts SE of Keren and conclude the day
drinking fresh lemon- and zeitun drinks, and making fun with the children
at the bus station. Just before dark I have my shoes cleaned at one of the
stalls, and my kidneys cleaned with some Asmara beers in restaurant
Stuttgart, to make an appointment with Hidat and Rahel for tomorrows
festival at the shrine of Mariam Dearit.

Former railway bridge over
the Ciuf Ciufit river -
Keren Eritrea.

Local children - Keren

Firewood market - Keren

Household utensils market -
Keren Eritrea.

Camels delivering firewood -
Keren Eritrea.

Camel hidden under roofing
materials - Keren Eritrea.

Camel carrying roofing
materials - Keren Eritrea.

Monday livestock market - Keren

Monday livestock market - Keren

Monday livestock market - Keren

Traditional house - Keren