From Keren to Asmara Eritrea - May 30th 2007
After breakfast and coffee,
Afworki drops me off at the bus station. There is no transport problems at
all. A bus is ready to leave for Asmara. Ten seats in the back of the bus
are free. Actually the driver acts as if the bus is ready to leave, hoping
to attract more passengers. Slowly he passes some hotels, in an attempt to
find passengers for the last seats, shouting "Asmara, Asmara!"
When we are on our way to
Asmara, a woman sitting a few seats in front of me, gesticulates that I
should sit next to her. Thinking it is a tourist, happy for a
conversation, or someone who knows me, I except the invitation. Soon she
is starting to be affectionate, touching me, and leaning against my
shoulder. She does not speak any English, so I cannot speak with her, nor
do I want to be rude. So I try to ignore her. She falls asleep, or acts as
if, on my shoulder.
At the tea break in Adi
Teklezan, she sits next to me at the table. I pay for the two cups of tea,
and make a sort walk through the village. I start a conversation with two
local police men, who are checking the traffic. I guess the woman will not
have the courage to follow me.
Back in Asmara, she starts
talking to me in Tigrinya. Although I cannot understand the language, I do
understand the word "geza", which means house. It is clear to me
that she is still trying to catch this foreigner. I give her a firm
handshake, hoping she will understand it means "goodbye". I do
not give her a chance to follow me.
I walk to Eritrea Square, to
take a bus to the Corea Housing Complex. Mebrat, my wife arrived on Monday
May 28, and I will join her.

Old-timer taxi bus - Keren

Tea and breakfast break -
Adi Teklezan Eritrea.

Today's Investment (Warsay Yekealo Campaign), Tomorrow's Prosperity!
Theme of Eritrea's 16th Independence Day - Asmara Eritrea.

Girl selling cigarettes and
candy - Asmara Eritrea.

Cathedral Snack Bar - Asmara

Asmara Central Hotel -
Asmara Eritrea.

Announcement of decease -
Asmara Eritrea.

Midian Hotel (tel. 126232
e-mail: - Asmara Eritrea.

Roof terrace of the Lion
Hotel - Asmara Eritrea.

Rosina Caffe - Harnet Avenue
Asmara Eritrea.