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Asmara May 24



Asmara Expo Exhibition Grounds


Logo Asmara Expo - Asmara - Eritrea


A number of exhibition halls, restaurants, bars, and nightclubs on this large piece of property make up the Expo compound. Trade fairs, concerts, and conferences are held here.

In the last week of July and the first week of August *), Festival Eritrea is celebrated in the Asmara Expo for seven days and nights. The festival area is a location to witness the culture, tradition, music and dance of all ethnic groups in Eritrea. Participants from all regions of the country present various cultural shows that reflect Eritrea’s diversity. In addition to these events there are also photography displays, paintings, sculpture and handcrafts. Visiting groups from other African countries also participate in the festival.

The festival is the ideal event for tourists, who come in the summer season, to have fun and learn about the Eritrean culture and customs of their people. 

Please contact the Eritrean MoT for the final agenda of this yearly festival.

Festival Eritrea 2006 >>>


Entrance of the Asmara Expo

Entrance of the Asmara Expo.

Asmara Expo Festival building

Asmara Expo Festival building.

Watchtower on Asmara Expo grounds

Watchtower on Asmara Expo grounds.

Asmara Expo Industrial pavilion

Asmara Expo Industrial pavilion.

Traditional building at the Asmara Expo grounds

The traditional building at the Expo grounds is a replica of old palaces.

Replica of a Gebaza, a traditional Eritrean rural  dwelling at the Expo area - Asmara Eritrea.

Replica of a Gebaza, a traditional Eritrean rural
 dwelling at the Expo area - Asmara Eritrea.

June 1999, a Boeing 727 of Aero Zambia, transported to the Asmara Expo site.

June 1999, a Boeing 727 of Aero Zambia, hit by gun fire of an
Ethiopian Mig fighter plane. The Boeing was stripped of its valuable
 parts and its wings and transported to the Asmara Expo site.

Old airplanes as a childrens playground - Expo site Asmara.

Old airplanes as a children's playground - Expo site Asmara.

Afar cultural group performing at Festival Eritrea 2006.

 *) The Festival Eritrea in the Asmara Expo is open for the public starting from the last Saturday of July or the first Saturday of August of any year. The opening ceremony on Friday is only for guests with an NHCC invitation.


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