Corea Housing Complex Asmara
The city is developing in a dramatic pace, especially in the housing sector. Sembel Residential
Complex is one of Africa's biggest housing complexes, which houses about 1250 families.
Sembel Residential Complex was built in 1996 by Keangnam Enterprises, Korea's first
contractor. It is therefore also known as Enda Korea. The complex is situated in the
South-west of Asmara. There are shops, a hospital, a kindergarten, an elementary school, a gymnasium,
playgrounds, sport facilities (tennis court, football & basketball) a round theater,
offices and little squares to meet & rest.

Corea Housing Complex Policlinic and Social Center

Modern housing of the Corea Housing Complex

The rubber sandal symbolizes the 30 years of struggle for freedom

Cattle at the water depot (Corea Housing Complex)

Corea Housing Complex Offices. Headquarters of the
United Nations Mission to Ethiopia and Eritrea UNMEE.

Gymnasium, elementary school, kindergarten and festival facilities

Playgrounds for the children

Corea Housing Complex Shopping Center, Social Center and Hospital.
