Offices and factories of Asmara
Asmara was once a factory town. The Haile Selassie government gave out propaganda that
appeared that they wanted to modernize Eritrea, but at the same time they were taking
everything worth while out of the country (to Ethiopia).
But in spite of sustained aggression and plunder of Ethiopia, the economy of Eritrea
grows faster than that of its neighbors. We pictured some examples of economic progress
when we were in Asmara in May 1999 and May 2000.

Total fuel station, garage and motel - Road to Mendefera Asmara.

Asmara Textile Factory - Tegadelti Street Godaif Asmara.
P.O. Box 787 Asmara Eritrea. Tel 181318/181911 fax 182046.

Santa Famiglia Pasta Manufacturing Plc
- Adi Guadad Asmara Eritrea. Tel 126007 fax 120826

Toyota garage
(Anberbeb Share Co.) - Leonado Da Vinci Street Asmara.
P.O. Box 5616 Asmara Eritrea. Tel 127450/122765 fax 200242.

Coca Cola factory Mai Temenai Asmara - Red Sea Bottlers Share
P.O. Box 844 Asmara Eritrea. Tel 162530/35/40 Fax 161209.

Asmara Brewery, which makes the popular and good-quality
Melloti beer as well as excellent Zebib (Araqi), gin and cognac.
Asmara Brewery Corporation P.O. Box 407 Asmara Eritrea.
Tel 181966 fax 188503.

New offices - Ferrovia District Asmara Eritrea.

Red Sea Trading Corporation Office - Ras Alula Street 29/31
P.O. Box 332 Asmara Eritrea. Tel 127846/124388 fax 124353.

British American Tobacco Company Office - Ras Alula Street.
P.O. Box 749 Asmara Eritrea. Tel 125811 fax 126781.

Asmara Soap Factory Plc - Airport Road - Sembel Asmara.
P.O. Box 1250 Asmara Eritrea. Tel 121146 fax 126282.

Nacfa building - Asmara Eritrea.