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Asmara May 24




Markets in Asmara


Not far from the Cathedral is the busling shuq district, with its stalls of fruits and vegetables, bric-a-brac, spices, chickens and eggs, used furniture, ceramics, souvenirs and clothes. Side by side with the stalls are small workshops and shops.

Behind the main mosque of Asmara is the souvenir and household utensils market, where one can can find local handicraft and souvenirs for a nice price.

Medeber, located a few hundred meters behind the Nda Mariam Orthodox church is like an open-air workshop where absolutely every available item is used and recycled in a most ingenious way. Small mills are grinding various spices into  berbere, a local mix of spices, with chili peppers as the main ingredient.


Covered markets - Asmara - Eritrea

Entrance of the covered market in Asmara.

Covered markets - Asmara - Eritrea

When I visited Asmara in May 2000 Ethiopian propaganda men-
tioned shortage of food in Asmara. We pictured these shortages.

Covered markets - Asmara - Eritrea

Woman selling vegetables and fruits at the covered market.

Fish market - Harnet Avenue - Asmara

Fish market Harnet Avenue Asmara.

Interior of the fish market of Asmara

Interior of the fish market of Asmara.

Household utensils at Medeber market Asmera

Household utensils at Medeber market Asmera.

Medeber market - Asmara - Eritrea

At Medeber used and new steel is crafted into household utensils.
The boy here is welding a small oven, used to bake kicha.

Medeber market - Asmara - Eritrea

Woman preparing berbere (a hot red peper spice) at Medeber.

Medeber market - Asmara - Eritrea

Colourful baskets and pottery sold at Medeber market Asmara.

Edaga Arbi (Friday Market) - Asmara - Eritrea

Woman selling traditional plastic sandals at Edaga Arbi
(meaning: Friday market) in the northern part of town.


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