Asmara Eritrea - May 24th 2006
Eritrea's 15th Independence
Day, celebrated in Asmara Stadium with parades, speeches, drama, dance and
music. The celebrations were visited by - apart from the PFDJ officials
and government and and military representatives - a high level Sudanese
government delegation, and other invited guests from Sudan.
Nicest memory: the Sudanese
traditional clothing mixing with the Eritrean and western invited guests.
President Isaias Afwerki's speech on the occasion of the 15th Independence Day Anniversary
From:, May 24th, 2006 -
Eritrea Profile Saturday, May 27th, 2006
Dear Compatriots at home and abroad,
Allow me to extend to you my warmest congratulations on this sacrosanct day of the 15th anniversary of our independence. May I pay homage to all those who sacrificed their precious lives to make this joyous reality possible.
This day, which we are celebrating for the 15th time, is indeed special and sacred. Our independence was not bestowed to us by some benefactor. Our independence was not achieved through political bargaining in a negotiating table or through the sponsorship and endorsement of any power. It was through unparalleled sacrifices that we achieved our independence and asserted our birth rights. Mindful of the supremacy of law and not deluded by our military victory, we opted to show utmost patience and to conduct a popular referendum. We thus shoulder historical, legal and moral obligations, not only to be proud of and cherish our hard-won independence but also to nurture and safeguard it.
We have all along maintained, even during the early days of the liberation struggle, that ''independence is not merely the hoisting of the national flag'', that ''independence does not just mean the assertion of legal sovereignty''.
Genuine independence does not become consummated when the liberation struggle triumphs. Genuine independence is achieved and guaranteed when the process set in motion from that victorious hour onwards is completed to reach a robust stage where it would not be imperiled by any means.
This is not mere political philosophy. Compelling evidence abounds in the reality of our contemporary times. Some countries that boast nominal independence and sovereignty have become debilitated and paralyzed by internal and external factors and find themselves mired in adverse conditions not significantly better than what prevailed in the colonial times. Especially at these critical times, the fundamental values of national independence and sovereignty face greater challenges than was the case in the second half of the 20th century. Maintenance of one's independence and sovereignty accordingly assumes greater weight.
The advent of the present period starts with the end of the Cold War. Coincidentally, the end of the Cold War and the dawn of the new age were concurrent with the realization of our sovereignty. This historical coincidence is important both for appraising the developments of the past 15 years as well as for predicting future trends.
The past 15 years have taught us a lesson. These are times of ''domination and plunder''. Times where ''zero-sum games'' prevail; where one vies to grab everything. Times of '' recklessness and arrogance''. Times of ' whipping up crisis and chaos and then reverting to management by crisis''; Times of disparaging 'the sovereignty of others as meaningless'' for the sheer motive of domination and plunder while keenly protecting one's sovereignty. Times of ''undermining peoples and nations by fomenting division and tension along vertical lines''. Times of employing 'counter-terrorism'' as a guise to domination and plunder instead of uprooting terrorism. Times of controlling the supply of natural resources and markets by fuelling regional conflicts and turmoil. Times of controlling international and regional organizations as instruments of proxy administration. Times of swearing in the name of God while perpetrating acts of domination and injustice. Times of double standards and the suppression of the basic rights of individuals and peoples. Times of ''disparaging opposition and of advocating peaceful and diplomatic avenues while obstructing peace and justice. ... The list is endless.
While the above portrays the conduct of those who pursue domination and plunder, corrupt and repressive underlings alternately use coercive means, subversion, coups, and the instigation of division among the peoples. This behavior is rationalized by 'astuteness and pragmatism'' or ''submission for survival''.
The afore stated trend is the ugly side of our times. Nevertheless, the balance of power that is changing through natural, evolutionary processes; the dynamic changes in the global economy; the rising awareness of peoples and their resistance against domination and suppression of basic rights will ultimately restore, though it will require patience and time. The situation of cyclical equilibrium.
In these tumultuous times it is not an overstatement to assert that the issue of sovereignty, and the issue of cushioning, protecting and consolidating independence, is a priority among political priorities. This is not for sentiment and pride but for the sake of growth and prosperity. To protect and sustain our hard-won sovereignty and independence is thus the priority of our national security as it is indeed for others.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Realizing and understanding these actual truths and with a view to make advance in defending and bolstering our independence - not through mere goodwill and discourse but through concrete action - we have endeavored for the past 15 years to objectively, inexorably and vigilantly own our political choices; to work without yielding to pressures and impediments; to ensure our economic freedom; and to bring about lasting social and cultural changes.
In this context, it is our duty to inquire what we have achieved and in which sectors and regions? How many roads and of what type; how many airports and
harbors; how many dykes, dams and micro dams; how many forestation projects; how many agricultural projects that
utilize modern technology? What means of utilizing marine resources; the extent of energy services distribution; the extent of clean water supply? How many schools; how many hospitals and health stations? What standard of transportation and communication services? How many industries and of what kind; what kind of markets; what kind of social security services; what forms of skilled and expert human resource? What forms of administrative systems and how they evolve; what forms of media and information capabilities; what kinds of financial institutions; etc... In short, what are the development
programs that we have charted and implemented? How about their effectiveness and timely implementation? It is our duty to make thorough appraisals in terms of all these aspects and to assess where we have reached as well as to identify the gaps.
Although we are not tempted to boast that we have invariably achieved great success in all the sectors, it is a proven fact that most of our accomplishments which can be corroborated with statistical date, have propelled us onto stage that consolidated our independence and the living standards of our people. The accomplishments of 2005 and the first half of 2006 alone are sufficient testimonies to this statement. Still we need to avoid complacency and animate our
endeavors with greater force and acceleration so as to lend more substance to our
Ladies and Gentlemen,
As we implement various development programs, we must objectively recognize the challenges and constraints we face and assiduously
endeavor to tackle and surmount them. We cannot be oblivious to the negative impact of the inequitable and unjustifiable hike in oil prices on our development programs. This is in addition to the external pressures that are exerted to promote overt agendas and the seemingly covert subversive economic schemes.
In 2005, readjustment of our priorities and overall reduction of consumption had become imperative as a result of the initial hike in oil prices; and; ensuring inflation in consumer products and services that was exacerbated by the speculative behavior of monopolistic traders, which induced a considerable burden on our annual budget and development plans. Yet, the programs we designated as strategic were successfully implemented without postponement. Our ability to achieve our objectives, despite the evident problems imposed by circumstances, is a matter which deserves recognition. I would like to take this opportunity to remind my compatriots that we shall need to make adjustment in our consumption patterns that go beyond merely facing the challenges; even as we recognize the current difficulties as transient.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The border issue and its latest developments is obviously in all our minds on this auspicious moment. I will thus underline a few truths.
Four years have passed since a decision or award was given on the matter. That the US administration bears primary responsible for the complication of the process, as it was indeed explained in an explicit and detailed manner in the last meeting of the Cabinet, is a fact that does not merit reiteration.
Under the pretext of ''expediting demarcation'' , the US administration has not refrained from persistently attempting to lump together the cardinal issue of acceptance or rejection of the '' final and binding'' award with secondary matters relating to the activities of the peacekeeping force, 'the special envoy'', and the ''facilitators''. To this end, it is engaged in putting pressure on the Boundary Commission as well as trying to wrest the case from its jurisdiction. The US administration is in effect vouching for and encouraging the TPLF's defiance of international law thereby undermining the integrity of treaties, the rule of law and the Boundary Commission's decision. Misinformation on ''peoples and villages that will be divided'' is a ruse advanced to rationalize this transparent ploy.
Agreements are agreements. The law and the rule of law cannot be bent by force. A ''final and binding'' decision cannot have a substitute or leeway. It is inconceivable to dream that one can revert to negotiations to alter a ''final and binding'' award. It is not possible to contemplate that the government and people of Eritrea will be derailed from the path of law and plunged into a deluding abyss. In short, this game is patiently designed to hold us hostage to uncertainty. We shall not be hostages and we will not be fatigued. It is sufficient to underline that time itself will bear the answer.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Within the same journey and direction that we have set upon for the past 15 years and on top of the progress we have achieved in all sectors and regions, big development plans, especially in the area of food security, have been charted out for 2006-2007-.The tasks that lie ahead of us are tough. I therefore urge the people of Eritrea inside and outside the country to reinvigorate their efforts, with greater mental and physical preparedness, so as to exalt our freedom and to elevate us to a better stage of economic growth and development. I pay tribute to my compatriots inside Eritrea and abroad who have selflessly contributed to our developmental drive in past 15 years by enduring numerous hardships and by tackling formidable challenges. I also salute members of the Armed Forces who are accomplishing feats at the forefront of safeguarding our independence and sovereignty. I wish that the promising short rains will herald a good rainy season and crown our certain victory with higher success.
Pride and Glory to the martyrs who made Freedom possible!
Victory to the Masses!

Representatives of the
Asmara Police Force - Asmara Stadium.

Eritrean Air Force MIG29
fighter planes - Asmara Stadium.

Musical drama featuring
dance and songs in various Eritrean languages,
depicting the long Eritrean struggle for liberation -
Asmara Stadium.

Musical drama featuring
dance and songs in various Eritrean languages,
depicting the long Eritrean struggle for liberation -
Asmara Stadium.

"Friday", a
musical drama featuring four songs commemorating
the day of liberation, Friday May 24 1991 -
Asmara Stadium.

a show by 3000 elementary,
junior and high school students,
presenting the joy of the 15th Liberation Day of Eritrea - Asmara Stadium.

"Our Ground", a show by 3000 elementary,
junior and high school students,
presenting the
still lasting struggle for liberation - Asmara Stadium.

"Events", a show by 3000 elementary,
junior and high school students,
presenting key events in the short Eritrean history
- Asmara Stadium.

"Events", a show by 3000 elementary,
junior and high school students,
presenting key events in the short Eritrean history
- Asmara Stadium.

Singing the Eritrean
national anthem - Asmara Stadium.