Keren Eritrea - May 26th 2006
The trip to Keren, to visit
friends and to witness the Festival of Mariam Dearit on May 29. Shopping
with Hidat to find some traditional music from Keren (Bilen national
group). Visiting the just finished City Hotel, a nice budget hotel not far
from the center of Keren.

Tarig's coffee ceremony -
Keren Eritrea.

Terhas & Fortuna - Keren

Almaz - Keren Eritrea.

Local children - Keren

Rawha, Barka music shop -
Keren Eritrea.

Hidat - Keren Eritrea.

Kohob's coffee ceremony -
Keren Eritrea.

New City Hotel - Keren

New City Hotel (court yard)
- Keren Eritrea.

New City Hotel - Keren