Asmara Eritrea - November 17 and 18 2007
Perfectly on schedule, at
22:30, the Lufthansa Airbus 330 arrives at Asmara International Airport. Passport
check at the entrance, currency declaration form at counter #1, passport
and entry form check at counter #2, desperate travelers at the luggage
Part of the luggage for the
Asmara passengers has been unloaded in Jeddah. A fax message from Jeddah
confirms the numbers of the missing luggage. A temporary counter #3 is
listing the claims. The luggage will follow on one of next weeks flights.
Fortunately, my missing suitcase is of no importance for my trip. My
clothes and personal stuff made it to Asmara, and the essentials plus one
pair of spare pants (that are not easy to find in Asmara if you have an
abdominous body) are, as usual, in my rucksack.
Remaining luggage is checked
for electronics and so at counter #4. Nothing to declare.
Two Eritrean friends traveling
on the same flight drop me off at the Corea Housing Complex. Bad luck for
the taxi drivers, waiting for a 300 Nakfa ride to any destination in
Asmara. I share the quick win with the friend of the two men. Fuel is
expensive in Eritrea. He will need it.
First day in Asmara is for
family, friends, distribution of last years photo's and a visit to Himbol
Exchange to change some of my Euros into Nakfa's. I ask Ariam at the
counter if I can take her picture as a souvenir. We have met before, it is
Boys of a local football team
are collecting money for their team. I give them some Nakfa's make a
Cappuccino and cake at the
Damera Bar. for lunch. I have to lose some fat these three weeks, and
planned to walk an average of 20 kilometer every day, complemented by a strict
When looking for a shop to buy
a notebook, I meet the policeman from Himbirti,
who is visiting his family in Asmara. We drink a few beers and walk to
Northern outskirts of Asmara, dominated by ramshackled dwellings, small
stone houses, and chaotic alleys that follow the shape of the hills.
In Abbashaul I am invited to
join a wedding celebration. I eat some injera and drink some suwa. It's a
big risk for your health, because the suwa is brewed with unboiled local
tap water, but by now I am used to the local bacteria.
Since the bride and the
bridegroom are in another part of the town, the feast misses the
interesting part of the ceremony. After half an hour, I am back on the
streets of Asmara.
I collect some clothes and my
walking shoes at the house of Luwams parents. I left most of my clothes in
their house at the end of my previous trips, so I can bring in some extra
gifts within the 30 kilos allowed.

Alla Scala Hotel - Warsay
Street Asmara Eritrea.

Alhashime Mall - Warsay
Street Asmara Eritrea.

Golden Fork Bar and Fastfood
restaurant - Warsay Street Asmara Eritrea.

Ariam (Himbol Exchange) -
Harnet Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Small scale trade on the
sidewalks of Harnet Avenue - Asmara Eritrea.

Football team - Harnet
Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Selam (Damera Bar) - Harnet
Avenue Asmara Eritrea.

Small scale trade on the
sidewalks of Harnet Avenue - Asmara Eritrea.

Wedding - Abbashaul Asmara

Luwam watching last years
pictures - Asmara Eritrea.