St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea - November
22 2007
Around 7:30 I walk from my
apartment to the St. Michael Orthodox Church, that will celebrate its annual
anniversary. The feast attracts many men and women from all over Asmara.
On the sidewalks people sell religious artifacts. Priests are blessing
people on request with their wooded carved crosses.
The day starts with a mass in
and around the church. It is a small church and it is very crowded, both
in and outside. To go in, I have to leave my shoes on the steps in front
of the entrance. Since I visited the church last year, and it's to
crowded, I will not enter the church. Instead I walk through the crowd
that is praying on the premises outside, while big megaphones extent the
priests prayers and songs to the garden of the church .
At 10:00 the outside ceremony
starts on the enormous square between the Italian cemetery and the St.
Michael church. Priests in beautiful garments, with gold plated crosses
under colored umbrella's preach in front of the gathered audience holding
the holy book high. Girls and boys dance, handclap and sing religious
songs, while monks beat their enormous goatskin drums.
Six lines of people is
witnessing the celebrations, making it difficult to see anything. I slip
through the crowd to have a better view on the ceremony, standing next or
just behind the camera men. Guards observe my behavior, but nobody minds,
as long as I do not disturb the ceremony.
At 11:00 the Nigdet feast is
finished. The people spread over the square to find and greet friends, and
invite them to their homes for a meal and to drink suwa.
I spend the rest of the day
walking through Asmara, handing the gifts to friends and family, enjoying
the sun and the pavements, drinking mineral water or fruit juices.

Priest giving his blessings
to the visitors of the feast
St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.

St. Michaels anniversary (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea.