Nda Mariam Church (Nigdet) - Asmara Eritrea - December 01 2007
At 6:30 I walk from the Corea Housing Complex
to the Nda Mariam Orthodox Church. Today there will be a
celebration called "Nigdet". When I get close to the gate, the
crowd thickens. Thousands of women, most of them dressed in their
traditional white zuria's have gathered, most in front of the church, some
praying on their knees.
Boys are selling all kinds of
religious books, posters, crosses and kitsch. Priests under gilded
umbrellas ring bells and bless people for a Nakfa or more. The loudspeakers
in front of the church spread the prayers and singing of the service that
takes place in the church (that will be so crowded, that I do not think of
getting near or within).
The crowd answers the prayers.
Some women kneel and kiss the ground. Handicapped, old and people in need
ask for an alms, repeating "Nda Mariam, Nda Mariam".
Unfortunately I did not bring packs of ten Nakfa notes like last year.
At 10:00 the service has ended
and the motley crowd of priests, monks, musicians, and kids of the
theological schools parade from the church to the square in front of it
and rounding a few streets in the neighborhood.
While the police is directing
the people to stand on the sidewalks, I am allowed to take a good position
on the street next to the camera men of ERI TV to make my pictures.
When the feast is finished I
change a few hundred euro's at Himbol Exchange. I forget my rucksack, but
within a minute my mobile phone rings. "Sir, you forgot your
bag." I will never again question the relevance of asking my phone
number when exchanging foreign currency!
In the afternoon the feast continues
in the family houses. I visit the house of Haile and Freweyni and their
kids in the center of Asmara who have organized a lunch of injera and suwa
for the extended family. I just have some tea. My diet is a good excuse to
refuse any food that I do not want to eat.

Nda Mariam Cathedral -
Asmara Eritrea.

Celebrating Nigdet -
Nda Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Small scale trade - Nda
Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Orthodox priest - Nda Mariam
Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Celebrating Nigdet - Nda
Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Celebrating Nigdet - Nda
Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Celebrating Nigdet - Nda
Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Celebrating Nigdet - Nda
Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Celebrating Nigdet - Nda
Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.

Celebrating Nigdet - Nda
Mariam Cathedral - Asmara Eritrea.