Asmara Eritrea - May 26 2008
Today's morning walk is
through Gheza Banda, a well planned suburb with low-rise residential
buildings in southeast part of Asmara city, another settlement of the Italian
colonizers with its spacious and colorful street layout and flowering
plants and bougainvillea bushes coming in waves over the fences
creating an aesthetically pleasing barrier between public and private

Street scenery - Gheza Banda
Asmara Eritrea.

Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan -
Gheza Banda Asmara Eritrea.

Medhin Alem Church - Rora
Habab Street Gheza Banda Eritrea.

Half finished residential
building - Gheza Banda Eritrea.

Street scenery - Gheza Banda
Asmara Eritrea.

Street scenery - Gheza Banda
Asmara Eritrea.

Omhar Ibn Abdulaziz mosque -
Gheza Banda Asmara Eritrea.

Former railway track - Gheza
Banda Asmara Eritrea.

Stairs to another level of Asmara - Gheza Banda Asmara Eritrea.

Apartments - Abdrbabu Street
Gheza Banda
Asmara Eritrea.

Apartments - Abdrbabu Street Gheza Banda
Asmara Eritrea.