The hike from Biet
Ghiorghis to Argolo - June 3 2008
From and Eritrean friend in
the United States, I received five detailed suggestions for hikes. Today I
will do the first one with Gebrehiwot, who is happy to accompany me. And
he has a car, so it is a piece of cake to find the starting point.
But Gebrehiwot has a more
practical view on this hike and adds another three kilometers to the suggested
one with some fatiguing shortcuts from Biet Georgis to Durfo after parking
his car at the checkpoint.
The weather is perfect for me
and my poor health: it is clouded and there is a cool breeze.
At Durfo we start to follow
the trail from Shegerni to Argolo. Most of the path is smooth and
horizontal. Some parts are covered with rocks, reminding me of the trail to
Debre Bizen.
The views are spectacular, but being afraid of heights, I
concentrate on the path right in front of me most of the time, taking two
minutes rest for some water and an overview at the most beautiful sights.
Gebrehiwot is clearly the more
experienced walker, at ease in this rough terrain, and when another
Eritrean man joins our small group it is even harder to keep up with them
in this 2400 meter high thin air.
In three and a half hour we
finish the round trip Biet Georgis - Durfo - Shegerni - Argolo and back.
Back in Asmara I take some
rest, to spend the rest of the day on the terraces of Harnet Avenue. At
the market I buy two bottles of araki for Gebrehiwot. He will not accept
my money, but araki is a gift that is always welcomed.

View from the road to

Bar Durfo - start of the
trail to Argolo.

View from the trail to
Argolo - Shegerni Eritrea.

The trail to Argolo.

The landscape around Argolo.

Traditional houses - Argolo

The trail from Argolo to

Traditional houses -
Shegerni Eritrea.

Abune Argawi Orthodox Church
- Asmara Massawa road.

Announcement of the Miss
Intercontinental election.